Rosensäle Universität Jena
Fürstengraben 27
07743 Jena
Recommended hotels
Hotel costs are not included in the registration fee. Please arrange your own hotel reservation.
Here are some hotels in walking distance:
- Zur Noll Jena (500m walking distance to venue; from 73€)
- Dorint Hotel Esplanade Jena (600m walking distance to venue; from 108€)
- Hotel Schwarzer Bär (500m walking distance to venue; from 85€)
- Hotel Vielharmonie (300m walking distance to venue; from 75€)
We advise you to make your hotel reservation early as some of the hotels have only limited rooms available.
Reaching Jena
By car
Jena has two gateways of the autobahn A4 (Frankfurt – Dresden) and the autobahn A9 (Berlin – Munich) is crossing the A4 not far from Jena.
By train
Jena has two main stations:
- Jena West for East-West-connections:
trains from Erfurt and further connections from Göttingen, Weimar - Jena Paradies for North-South-connections:
trains from Halle, Leipzig, Naumburg and regional trains from Nürnberg
By plane
- Berlin – ca. 260 km away, TRAIN: from Berlin main station ca. 02:30h
- Erfurt – ca. 50 km away, TRAIN: from Erfurt main station ca. 00:30h
- Frankfurt – ca. 300 km away, TRAIN: from Frankfurt/Flughafen ca. 03:15h
- Halle/Leipzig – ca. 100 km away, TRAIN: from Leipzig or Halle main station ca. 01:00h
- Munich – ca. 370 km away, TRAIN: from Munich main station ca. 03:30h
- Nürnberg – ca. 230 km away, TRAIN: from Nürnberg main station ca. 02:00h